Once Upon A Time Scene 11
Scene 11

Helena is desperately unbelievable. I really need to go and have a talk with that girl.
(HOPE walks towards center stage before WISDOM can stop her.)
(on video projection screen) Fare thee well, nymph: ere he do leave this grove, thou shalt fly him, and he shall seek thy love.
(HOPE is frightened by the new voice, and takes a few steps back.)
(on video projection screen) Hast thou the flower there?
(HOPE thinks he’s talking to her? She lifts her hands up, not knowing what he is talking about)
Welcome, wanderer.
(PUCK comes in, wildly. HOPE is a little startled, and rushes back to WISDOM’s side.)
Ay, there it is.
Take thou some of it, and seek through this grove. A sweet Athenian lady is in love with a disdainful youth. Anoint his eyes; but do it when the next thing he espies may be the lady. Thou shalt know the man by the Athenian garments he hath on. Effect it with some care that he may prove more fond on her than she upon her love: And look thou meet me ere the first cock crow.
Fear not, my lord, your servant shall do so.
(PUCK bounces off stage)
What was that?
Oberon has directed his servant Puck to put some of the juice of the purple flower in sleeping Demetrius’ eyes.
So Demetrius will wake up and fall in love with Helena. And everything will be okay.
(does not answer)
I still think I need to talk to Helena, and tell her to forget this guy who treats her so bad. Even if this flower thing works, it isn’t real love. It’s love that has been tampered with. It isn’t real love?
Isn’t it?
It’s fantasy… It’s a spell… It’s not real! I have to go find Helena. (HOPE goes to follow HELENA again.)
Here comes Hermia & Lysander. (HOPE steps back to watch)